12 research outputs found

    State of the art and trends in the monitoring, detection and diagnosis of failures in electric induction motors

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    Producción CientíficaDespite the complex mathematical models and physical phenomena on which it is based, the simplicity of its construction, its affordability, the versatility of its applications and the relative ease of its control have made the electric induction motor an essential element in a considerable number of processes at the industrial and domestic levels, in which it converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. The importance of this type of machine for the continuity of operation, mainly in industry, is such that, in addition to being an important part of the study programs of careers related to this branch of electrical engineering, a large number of investigations into monitoring, detecting and quickly diagnosing its incipient faults due to a variety of factors have been conducted. This bibliographic research aims to analyze the conceptual aspects of the first discoveries that served as the basis for the invention of the induction motor, ranging from the development of the Fourier series, the Fourier transform mathematical formula in its different forms and the measurement, treatment and analysis of signals to techniques based on artificial intelligence and soft computing. This research also includes topics of interest such as fault types and their classification according to the engine, software and hardware parts used and modern approaches or maintenance strategies

    Fault Detection of Wind Turbine Induction Generators through Current Signals and Various Signal Processing Techniques

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    Producción CientíficaIn the wind industry (WI), a robust and effective maintenance system is essential. To minimize the maintenance cost, a large number of methodologies and mathematical models for predictive maintenance have been developed. Fault detection and diagnosis are carried out by processing and analyzing various types of signals, with the vibration signal predominating. In addition, most of the published proposals for wind turbine (WT) fault detection and diagnosis have used simulations and test benches. Based on previous work, this research report focuses on fault diagnosis, in this case using the electrical signal from an operating WT electric generator and applying various signal analysis and processing techniques to compare the effectiveness of each. The WT used for this research is 20 years old and works with a squirrel-cage induction generator (SCIG) which, according to the wind farm control systems, was fault-free. As a result, it has been possible to verify the feasibility of using the current signal to detect and diagnose faults through spectral analysis (SA) using a fast Fourier transform (FFT), periodogram, spectrogram, and scalogram


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    Today social networks are part of an important role, making us digital natives from our birth or by digital immigrants adapting to new technologies, networks are a mechanism that are part of the current environment, allowing us to communicate, interact and cooperate with collaborative tasks in realtime, enabling the student to be involved in a process of teaching and active learning, in order to exchange ideas and consider new proposals in education to be part of a virtual community. But raises different hypothesis: can I get a meaningful learning? What is the roll of the teacher in this digital interaction?We will give a projection of what the impact on today's networks, and their constant interaction on the rise, that defines a continuous communication in its use.En la actualidad las redes sociales forman parte de un papel importante, convirtiéndonos en nativos digitales desde nuestros nacimiento o en inmigrantes digitales adaptándonos a nuevas tecnologías, las redes son unmecanismo que forman parte del entorno actual, permitiéndonos comunicarnos, interactuar y cooperar con tareas colaborativas en tiempo real, dando la posibilidad al alumno en ser participe en un proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje activo, con el fin de intercambiar ideas y plantearse nuevas propuestas en la enseñanza siendo parte de una comunidad virtual. Pero se plantea diferentes hipótesis: ¿se puede obtener un aprendizaje significativo? ¿Cuál sería el roll del docente en esta interacción digital? Daremos una proyección de cuál es el impacto en las redes actuales, y su constante interacción en aumento, que define una comunicación continua en su uso

    Diseño e implementación de un entrenador de instrumentación industrial, con aplicaciones en los procesos de temperatura, presión y nivel

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    El proyecto trata sobre la construcción y puesta en marcha de un tablero que servirá como banco de pruebas para las practicas que realizan los estudiantes que toman las materias de máquinas eléctricas en la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana sede Guayaquil. La forma en que está construido el tablero permite realizar veinte y tres prácticas, las cuales cubren en gran medida el análisis de las características de los distintos tipos de motores y generadores de corriente continua. El trabajo escrito del proyecto consta de seis capítulos, a través de los cuales se realiza la descripción de los principios de operación de los motores y generadores DC, se indican los procedimientos para cada una de las prácticas y se diseñan los formatos para realizar todas las pruebas. Varias de estas se desarrollan a modo de ejemplo


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    En el control de equipos y cargas eléctricas en el área industrial, comercial y residencial es indispensable el uso del contador en sus distintos modelos. Este aparato debe garantizar calidad y garantía de funcionamiento, ya que una falla provocaría el daño del equipo que controla y la paralización de las actividades productivas con las correspondientes pérdidas económicas. En el Ecuador para satisfacer la demanda de este producto debe recurrirse a las importaciones, por lo que en el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio de mercado cualitativo y cuantitativo de los contadores durante los últimos diez años, también se incluye el cálculo del tamaño óptimo de una planta para la fabricación de contadores. ABSTRACT In control equipment and electrical loads in industrial, commercial and residential area is essential using of the contador in its various models. This device must ensure quality and performance guarantee, since failure would cause damage to the equipment that controls and cessation of production activities related economic losses. In Ecuador to meet the demand of this product should be used for imports, so in this paper an analysis of demand that have contadors in the last ten years is performed, a qualitative study of the local market is also presented and finally calculating the optimal size of a plant for the manufacture of contadors is included. KEY WORDS: Electrical contador, market study, production, optimum plant size


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    En el artículo se analiza las ventajas de que una empresa obtenga una certificación ISO 27001:2013, de tal forma que pueda demostrar a sus clientes la capacidad para responder en el menor tiempo a los cyber ataques

    State of the Art and Trends in the Monitoring, Detection and Diagnosis of Failures in Electric Induction Motors

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    Despite the complex mathematical models and physical phenomena on which it is based, the simplicity of its construction, its affordability, the versatility of its applications and the relative ease of its control have made the electric induction motor an essential element in a considerable number of processes at the industrial and domestic levels, in which it converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. The importance of this type of machine for the continuity of operation, mainly in industry, is such that, in addition to being an important part of the study programs of careers related to this branch of electrical engineering, a large number of investigations into monitoring, detecting and quickly diagnosing its incipient faults due to a variety of factors have been conducted. This bibliographic research aims to analyze the conceptual aspects of the first discoveries that served as the basis for the invention of the induction motor, ranging from the development of the Fourier series, the Fourier transform mathematical formula in its different forms and the measurement, treatment and analysis of signals to techniques based on artificial intelligence and soft computing. This research also includes topics of interest such as fault types and their classification according to the engine, software and hardware parts used and modern approaches or maintenance strategies

    Maintenance Models Applied to Wind Turbines. A Comprehensive Overview

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    Wind power generation has been the fastest-growing energy alternative in recent years, however, it still has to compete with cheaper fossil energy sources. This is one of the motivations to constantly improve the efficiency of wind turbines and develop new Operation and Maintenance (O&M) methodologies. The decisions regarding O&M are based on different types of models, which cover a wide range of scenarios and variables and share the same goal, which is to minimize the Cost of Energy (COE) and maximize the profitability of a wind farm (WF). In this context, this review aims to identify and classify, from a comprehensive perspective, the different types of models used at the strategic, tactical, and operational decision levels of wind turbine maintenance, emphasizing mathematical models (MatMs). The investigation allows the conclusion that even though the evolution of the models and methodologies is ongoing, decision making in all the areas of the wind industry is currently based on artificial intelligence and machine learning models


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    In career technology, electrical engineering degree is imperative studying electrical machines such as direct current. To achieve this goal, educational institutions have laboratories where practices are performed entirely by hand. After connecting the motor or DC generator according to the type of connection to be analyzed what is done is manually varying the tension of the field windings or armatures machines then take readings or torque, speed, voltage and current read in analog instruments. In the present study an alternative to automate part of such practices, so that they are carried out more pedagogical way using modern methods for controlling an electric machine is tested. For this the variable resistor are replaced by a variable source controlled from LabView. The system analyzed consisting of eight cards, can be used to control or depth study current machine either engine, generator, engine generator set or a system of current distribution, but also the principles and applied for educational purposes techniques it can also be used for practical purposes to automate a lot of processes. At the end of study, the magnetization curve of a generator obtained using the proposed method is presented.  En las carreras de tecnología, licenciatura o ingeniería eléctrica es imprescindible el estudio de las maquinas eléctricas tales como las de corriente continua. Para lograr este cometido, las instituciones educativas poseen laboratorios donde se realizan las prácticas de forma totalmente manual. Luego de conectar el motor o generador DC según el tipo de conexión a ser analizada lo que se hace es variar manualmente la tensión de los bobinados de campo o armaduras de las máquinas para posteriormente tomar las lecturas de torque, velocidad, tensión y corriente leídas en instrumentos analógicos. En el presente estudio se prueba una alternativa para automatizar parte de dichas prácticas, de tal forma que las mismas sean realizadas de forma más pedagógicas haciendo uso de métodos modernos para el control de una maquina eléctrica. Para esto los variac son reemplazados por una fuente variable controlada desde LabView. El sistema analizado que consta de ocho tarjetas, puede ser empleado para el control y/o estudio a profundidad de una máquina de corriente continua ya sea motor, generador, grupo motor generador o un sistema de distribución de corriente continua, pero además los principios y técnicas aplicados con fines educativos, puede ser utilizada también con fines prácticos para automatizar una gran cantidad de procesos. Al final del estudio se presenta la curva de magnetización de un generador obtenida utilizando el método propuesto

    Las máquinas de corriente contínua mediante LabView y microcontrolador en las carreras Licenciatura o Ingeniería Eléctrica

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    In career technology, electrical engineering degree is imperative studying electrical machines such as direct current. To achieve this goal, educational institutions have laboratories where practices are performed entirely by hand. After connecting the motor or DC generator according to the type of connection to be analyzed what is done is manually varying the tension of the field windings or armatures machines then take readings or torque, speed, voltage and current read in analog instruments. In the present study an alternative to automate part of such practices, so that they are carried out more pedagogical way using modern methods for controlling an electric machine is tested. For this the variable resistor are replaced by a variable source controlled from LabView. The system analyzed consisting of eight cards, can be used to control or depth study current machine either engine, generator, engine generator set or a system of current distribution, but also the principles and applied for educational purposes techniques it can also be used for practical purposes to automate a lot of processes. At the end of study, the magnetization curve of a generator obtained using the proposed method is presented.En las carreras de tecnología, licenciatura o ingeniería eléctrica es imprescindible el estudio de las maquinas eléctricas tales como las de corriente continua. Para lograr este cometido, las instituciones educativas poseen laboratorios donde se realizan las prácticas de forma totalmente manual. Luego de conectar el motor o generador DC según el tipo de conexión a ser analizada lo que se hace es variar manualmente la tensión de los bobinados de campo o armaduras de las máquinas para posteriormente tomar las lecturas de torque, velocidad, tensión y corriente leídas en instrumentos analógicos. En el presente estudio se prueba una alternativa para automatizar parte de dichas prácticas, de tal forma que las mismas sean realizadas de forma más pedagógicas haciendo uso de métodos modernos para el control de una maquina eléctrica. Para esto los variac son reemplazados por una fuente variable controlada desde LabView. El sistema analizado que consta de ocho tarjetas, puede ser empleado para el control y/o estudio a profundidad de una máquina de corriente continua ya sea motor, generador, grupo motor generador o un sistema de distribución de corriente continua, pero además los principios y técnicas aplicados con fines educativos, puede ser utilizada también con fines prácticos para automatizar una gran cantidad de procesos. Al final del estudio se presenta la curva de magnetización de un generador obtenida utilizando el método propuesto